I found that this actually runs in debug mode for me. I was basically having issue in autowiring and i disabled my debug mode by mistake. I used to use this command and it used to show me the exact error in debug mode. I was getting a some weired issue like my tomcat used to stop without showing any error. Now, I personally really love this command here, reason is it proved to me as Mr Dependable for me. We can also set server port in spring boot app from command line using following command java -jar =dev -Dserver.port=9090 webapp-1.0.0.SNAPSHOT.jar Running Spring boot app via command line using maven

Have a look at How We can enable Profiling in spring boot app. We can also do profiling in our spring boot based app and run the jar in linux. Now issue the following command java -jar webapp-1.0.0.SNAPSHOT.jar Running Spring boot based app with profiling enabled You jar file name would be something like webapp-1.0.0SNAPSHOT.jar where webapp is the artifactid. Now that your project is build successfully, navigate to target directory and locate your spring boot app jar. Navigate to your project folder and run the following command to build your app. In order to run your spring boot app as jar we need to first build our application. Running Spring boot apps as Jar from Command line In most of the cases it will be present already. Open your project pom.xml and add the following line inside it. In order to run your spring boot app, we need to add spring-boot-maven-plugin in your project parent pom.xml.
How to do a clean maven install comman line how to#